Sunday, March 23, 2014

used up

this morning started very slow and lazy. probably due to the gloomy weather brought about by the low pressure in this tropical country of ours. love rainy days on a monday :-). after I've had my journal and prayer time, i began to surf around my favorite bloggers and i was so blessed by what charissa wrote on her blog. she was reflecting her own personal experiences about her own family and her commitment to our Jesus and her words touched my heart so much. 

she wrote:

 More than ever my heart needs its God. Not one of small stories or tidy boxes but one strong enough to sustain me in the face of grief and be my reason for celebrating. He is there and I’m continuing to learn him in a new way through new stages. I want to remember how this process of breaking into new territory feels. Will I ever understand all His ways? No. Not in their fulness. Lately he has chosen? permitted? not intervened? in ways I don’t understand...... His blend of power and reticence, action and restraint seems so paradoxical at times.

When I die, when all of these remembrances are tomorrow,  I want to be all used up.

 want everything I have; every ounce of bodily strength, every bit of passion, every possession to be given away to someone who needs it more.
What is the purpose of life if not to pour yourself out like an offering for someone else? To give comfort to one who feels alone? To grieve with one who has an aching heart? To put yourself and your preferences to the side for the sake of another?
God has an amazing way of talking to us. when i am least giving and think more about myself he consistently let his Holy Spirit speak into my heart. and like charissa i find myself thinking that his ways are paradoxical and i won't ever understand fully, all of his ways. but i am so willing to be all used up. to be part of what he is mightily doing now. 

Tuesday, March 18, 2014

heavenly declaration

two days ago i travelled with my brother-in-law, carsten and friend, jori back to my birth island. my sister decided that dedicating pipa (my niece) near relatives and in our home church is the way to do it. so we squeezed in the weekend to go home. jori is one of the god-parents (who'll give lots and lots of gifts and also ensure she has educational plan, medical insurance, etc. hahaha!). our flight was scheduled at 5:50 am and so we groggily make our way to the airport. a little cup of coffee perked me up which is truly good because if not for that cup i would have been sleeping through this AWESOME and AMAZING creation. 

this is one of those moments where God's word comes to life!

the heavens declare the glory of God;
    the skies proclaim the work of his hands.

day after day they pour forth speech;

    night after night they reveal knowledge.
 they have no speech, they use no words;
    no sound is heard from them.
In the heavens God has pitched a tent for the sun.
It is like a bridegroom coming out of his chamber,
like a champion rejoicing to run his course.
It rises at one end of the heavens
and makes its circuit to the other;
nothing is deprived of its warmth.
psalms 19:-6

all photos were shot using my samsung galaxy mega 5.8

Tuesday, March 11, 2014

calmly plan it

i spent the first 4 days of my last week in a place where there're plenty of coconut trees, curvy roads, steep hills, rocky sands & lots of people who are passionate advocates for children. 
i was actually expecting this planning summit to be stressful and hectic. it was far from that. there were some pressing issues but all was discussed in a calm and precised manner as expected of every compassion (when clicking the site of compassion there is a disclaimer, please proceed. i assure you it is completely safe) related meetings/conference.

just up the hill where we're staying
1st day arrival : dusk
7:00 am : 2nd day
noon: 2nd day
7:00 : last day
rocky shoreline: 3rd day

all photos were shot using my samsung galaxy mega 5.8

Tuesday, March 4, 2014

reflections: singli mountain resort

reflections for our staffs before the year 2014 started. a very late post. ministry to children is rewarding but it has its moments when even i question if the things that we do makes a difference in the lives of the parents and the kids.
but it does make a difference. i do see changes not just with the kids but also in the lives of the staff that i work with.
in my observation we have become more gracious, more patient & decidedly intentional in our ministry.
our christian lives is a always a progressive one. we continue to grow. in our love. in our compassion. in our desire to to be more like our Savior.

this was a weekend of reflections and renewed goals for us. also a little bit of fun

all photos courtesy of jore millan

reflecting: is it dinner yet? 

because of who you are I give you glory....

fun during devotions

the mountains & the skies declares God's glory (my own translation of a bible verse)
coffee on the mountain top

scary laugh. fear of heights

the amazing group i work with everyday. 

sorry chelda, ethel's pose is much more interesting. haha


required jump shot :-)